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美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校Albert J. Valocchi教授讲座通知

发布时间:2016-10-11 浏览量:

应能源与动力工程学院流体机械及工程系刘海湖副教授的邀请,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校Albert J. Valocchi教授将于2016年10月16日上午来我校进行学术访问,并针对二氧化碳地质埋存技术的最新进展进行一次公开学术讲座,届时欢迎各位师生参与交流。

讲座题目:Overview of the University of Illinois and Research at the Illinois Center for Geological Sequestration of CO2

讲座时间:2016年10月16日上午10:00 -12:00


讲座人:Prof. Albert J. Valocchi


I will present an overview of research activities on geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, focusing on the Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) and Center for Geologic Storage of CO2(GSCO2). IBDP was a demonstration project for injection of 1 million tonnes of supercritical CO2into a deep saline sandstone reservoir. There was intensive post-injection monitoring using seismic methods and pressure sensors at observation wells. Small scale geological heterogeneity appeared to have a major control on reservoir-scale migration of the CO2. GSCO2 is a new basic research center that builds on the knowledge and data from IBDP, focusing on predicting the migration of injected CO2 and identifying mechanisms of injection-induced micro-seismicity. One of the major science themes of GSCO2 is to use numerical models to improve understanding of the migration and storage of CO2at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. I will give an overview of the modeling activities in the center, focusing on pore-scale simulation using pore-network and lattice Boltzmann models. I will also present some background information about the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the University of Illinois.


Albert J. Valocchi教授于1981年起任职于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,土木和环境工程系,现为Abel Bliss Professor。本科就读于康奈尔大学环境系统工程系,并分别于1976年及1981年获斯坦福大学土木工程系硕士及博士学位。2004~2012年,担任伊利诺伊大学土木和环境工程系副主任及研究生主管;美国大学水文联合会(CUAHSI)前任董事会主席;2009年被授予美国地球物理联盟会员。Valocchi教授主要研究方向为多孔介质中污染物结局与输运过程的计算建模,以及地下水污染、二氧化碳地质埋存、模型不确定性对地下水资源管理的影响等相关应用研究。已发表学术论文110多篇,参与专著撰写10部。
