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加州大学Irvine分校Feng Liu教授学术报告通知

发布时间:2019-09-15 浏览量:

加州大学Irvine分校Feng Liu教授学术报告通知

应能动学院流体机械及工程系、陕西省流体机械国际联合研究中心张楚华教授和琚亚平副教授邀请,加州大学Irvine分校机械与航空工程系Feng Liu(刘锋)教授于2019914-16日来访西安交通大学,访问期间将举行学术讲座,欢迎广大师生踊跃参加!(可盖章)

讲座主题 (Invited Lecture)The Turbine-Burner Engine: Opportunities and  Challenges 透平燃烧室发动机:机遇与挑战)

时间:2019916日(周一)15:00-16:30, 地点:北二楼二楼学术报告厅

内容简介:Specific Thrust and efficiency of a jet engine (specific power and efficiency in the case of power generation) tend to be two opposing performance measures. We proposed the use of turbine-burner engines, in which, heat is added either continuously in the turbine (Continuous Turbine-Burner, i.e., CTB) or discretely in the turbine stages (Inter-Stage Turbine Burner, i.e., ITB) to resolve this conflict. We will present analyses that demonstrate the tremendous potential of the turbine-burner engine for increased specific thrust (power) and efficiency at the same time. We identify the parameter regime where such advantages can be achieved and the associated challenges.

Feng Liu教授简介:现任美国加州大学Irvine分校机械与航空工程系教授,1981年毕业于西北工业大学获学士学位,1984年毕业于北京航空航天大学获硕士学位,1991年毕业于美国普林斯顿大学获博士学位,同年7月任教于美国加州大学 Irvine 分校机械与航空工程系至今。任美国航空航天学会Fellow、美国航空航天学会喷气推进技术委员会委员、美国机械工程师学会叶轮机械技术委员会委员,AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power副主编、ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering副主编、Acta Mechanica SinicaEnglish Version)编委、International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics编委等,曾多次担任美国GEIntelligent AerodynamicsInnovative Scientific、欧洲ABBAlstom技术顾问。

His research topics are:

   - Computational Fluid Dynamics and Combustion

- Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity

- Gas-turbine Engines and Propulsion

- Flow Control and Multi-disciplinary Optimization

