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西交•通全球暑期学校(International Summer School of Xi’an Jiaotong University)

发布时间:2023-07-03 浏览量:

西交通全球暑期学校(International Summer School of Xi’an Jiaotong University)

International cutting-edge research progress in solid waste resource utilisation led by “Dual Carbon Strategy”


Under the guidance of China and the world’s dual-carbon strategy, solid waste in the collection, transportation and disposal process through the systematic, standardised technical means to achieve efficient and effective solid waste disposal is of great significance for global ecological environment protection. Experts in the field of solid waste recycling and utilisation in world-famous universities such as University of Manchester, University of Liverpool and AGH University of Science and Technology etc., are invited to give a series of special lectures combining online and offline. This course is free to register and attend for domestic and foreign students related to the environment, energy, chemical engineering etc. This course enables students to master the basic knowledge of solid waste treatment with low carbon technology and understand the current international frontier research progress of solid waste treatment, aiming to expand students’ vision and scientific research thinking in related fields.

[Teaching Masters]

Prof. Ningbo Gao, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Dr. Ningbo Gao is a professor in the School of Energy and Power Engineering at Xian Jiaotong University, China. He received his PhD degree at Dalian University of Technology in 2009. He worked as a visiting scholar at the University of Hull, UK, from 2016 to 2017. He has published more than 150 academic papers in the area of solid waste thermal conversion with more than 4400 citations with H-index of 41. He holds more than 45 patents. His current research areas are sewage sludge pyrolysis and gasification, oily sludge treatment and resource utilisation, agricultural/industrial biomass thermochemical conversion and biomass/coal tar catalytic hydrogen production etc.

Dr. Chunfei Wu, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Dr. Chunfei Wu is a Reader at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the Chemical Engineering Programme Lead at QUB. He has worked in the areas of converting renewable and waste resources to energy, fuel, and chemicals through catalytic thermochemical routes for more than 15 years. He has published >220 peer-reviewed journal papers with >11200 citations (H index of 62, Google Scholar) in the areas of catalytic thermo-chemical conversion of wastes. He is the Managing Editor of Biomass and Bioenergy. He is also the founding Editor-in-Chief of Carbon Capture Science & Technology, a Gold Open Access IChemE journal published by Elsevier. Dr Wu is also the Chair of the International Association for Carbon Capture (IACC).

Prof. Aneta Magdziarz, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

Prof. Aneta Magdziarz has a PhD in Metallurgy from the AGH University of Science and Technology (Cracow, Poland). She began her professional career at AGH as a lecturer of graduate and undergraduate courses in general chemistry, corrosion, and environmental protection and a researcher in the field of energy in 2005. Aneta Magdziarz conducts research as Principal Investigator both on national and international projects involving thermal conversion of renewable fuels (e.g., torrefaction, hydrothermal carbonisation, pyrolysis, and gasification), ash chemistry, and high-temperature corrosion. She is a leader in the Thermal Processes group at AGH University. She is the author and co-author of more than 170 publications, which are cited in many studies. She is a Board Member of the Polish Combustion Institute and a member of the Combustion Institute in Pittsburgh, United States.

Prof. Gartzen López, University of the Basque Country, Spain

Dr. Gartzen López is a research fellow at the Department of Chemical Engineering (UPV/EHU) at the University of the Basque Country in Spain. He mainly investigates pyrolysis, chemical engineering, char, organic chemistry and waste management. The concepts of his pyrolysis study are interwoven with issues in yield, raw material, pilot plant, lignocellulosic biomass and fraction. The study incorporates disciplines such as catalysis, activated carbon, high-density polyethylene, carbon and tar in addition to chemical engineering. He is the author and co-author of >170 journal papers.

Dr. Yaolin Wang, University of Liverpool, UK

Dr. Yaolin Wang is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate under the supervision of Prof. Xin Tu in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at the University of Liverpool. He received a First-class MSc degree in Thermal Power Engineering at Zhejiang University in 2017 and received a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in 2021 as a Marie Curie Early Career Researcher. His research mainly focuses on plasma chemistry and plasma catalysis for CO2 conversion, biogas conversion, hydrogen production, ammonia synthesis and syngas cleaning. He has published over 20 peer-reviewed journal papers in leading international journals including JACS, JACS Au, ACS Catalysis and Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Recently, he has received the prestigious Young Investigator Award from the International Association of Plasma Chemistry.

Prof. Jiawei Wang, Aston University, UK

Dr. Jiawei Wang is a Reader in Chemical Engineering at the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences and Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at Aston University. Dr Wang had his bachelor’s and master’s degree in chemical engineering from Tsinghua University and his PhD degree in Chemistry from the University of Nottingham. His research interests and expertise include heterogeneous catalysis for environmental and sustainable energy applications, biomass thermal chemical conversion, and plastic-to-chemical conversion. He has won over £2 million fund from Innovate UK, British Council, the Royal Society, EU Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Industry. Recent awards include unrecycled plastic waste to hydrocarbon fuels (British Council Institutional Links with Turkey, £150k), biomass to energy (Innovate UK, £300k), bio-oils from municipal solid waste (British Council Institutional Links with Kuwait, £290k), marine litter to methanol (Horizon 2020 MSCA Individual Fellowship, €213k), and carbon-neural pathways for marine litter (Horizon European MSCA Staff Exchange, €837k), biomass/marine litter to hydrogen (Horizon Europe 2022 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship, €220k ).

Dr. Laura Santamaria, University of the Basque Country, Spain

Dr. Laura Santamaria received her B.Sc. degree from the University of Valladolid (UVA) in 2011. Afterwards, she got a Ph.D. in 2019 in Chemical Engineering (UPV/EHU). In 2018 she worked as a visiting scholar in the Department of “Decentralised Energy Conversion (DEU)”, of the Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology at University of Stuttgart (Germany). Her research activity is focused on the development of heterogeneous catalysts and the production of valuable fuels and products from wastes (plastics, biomass, sewage sludge etc.) by thermochemical conversion strategies such as pyrolysis, gasification and pyrolysis-reforming. She has published over 30 refereed research journal articles.

Prof. Norbert Miskolczi, University of Pannonia, Hungary

Dr. Norbert Miskolczi is a professor at the University of Pannonia. Dr Miskolczi is the head of MOL Department of Hydrocarbon and Coal Processing and a member of the IChemE and Executive Committee of Hungarian Chemical Society. He has worked in the field of waste to fuel processes, waste pyrolysis and gasification, CCU processes, syngas utilisation, catalytic processes, biopolymers, polymer blends, plastic reinforcing, additive synthesis for hydrocarbons and plastics. He has been involved in industrial R&D projects, national and international research projects and staff exchanges. He is the author and co-author of >120 journal papers.

Prof. Xiaolei Fan, University of Manchester, UK

Dr. Xiaolei Fan is a Reader with 15-year experience in heterogeneous catalysis and porous materials. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Bath in 2010. From 2010 to 2013, he took the postdoctoral positions at the University of Warwick and University of Cambridge, focusing on the research in heterogeneous catalysis and reaction engineering. He is a faculty member at The University of Manchester since 2013. He has published 157 peer-reviewed articles including ones in Nat. Catal., Nat. Commun., JACS, Angew. Chem., and Appl. Catal. B, etc with a H index of 37. He is the elected Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and Higher Education Academy and Ministry of Education Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholars. His research was recognised internationally with several awards such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences Lee Hsun Young Scientist Lecture award on Materials Sciences (2018), RSC Emerging Investigators (2019), ACS I&EC Research 2020 Influential Researchers (2020) and International Award for Outstanding Young Chemical Engineer (2022).

[Curriculum system]

This course focuses on solid waste recycling technology to carry out a series of special lectures. It will review the solid waste recycling technologies from different directions, such as thermochemical conversion, waste plastic, biomass, CO2 capture and utilisation, and sustainable production of fuels and chemicals. It will provide new insights into waste treatment technologies to involve students in future scientific research.

Course format: synchronous online and offline teaching (Tencent Meeting, Teams)

Course arrangement:










Introduction   of waste to energy technology


Prof.   Ningbo Gao

Xi’an Jiaotong University, China




Hydrogen   production from catalytic conversion: experimental work and simulation


Dr.   Chunfei Wu

Queen’s University Belfast, UK




Biochar production and application


Prof. Aneta Magdziarz

AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland




Plastic   pyrolysis and catalytic reforming


Prof. Gartzen López

University of the Basque Country, Spain




Non-thermal   plasma: An emerging technology for sustainable production of fuels and   chemicals


Dr.   Yaolin Wang

University of Liverpool, UK




Chemical   recycling of plastic waste


Prof.   Jiawei Wang

Aston University, UK




Catalyst   design for the steam reforming of biomass and waste plastics pyrolysis   volatiles


Dr.   Laura Santamaria

University of the Basque Country, Spain




Thermochemical   conversion technology of solid waste


Prof.   Norbert Miskolczi

University of Pannonia, Hungary




Some   new technologies for renewable hydrogen production


Prof.   Xiaolei Fan

University of Manchester, UK

[Admission Information]

Enrollment target: Undergraduate students in their sophomore and junior years, as well as graduate students with unlimited grades, are recruited globally.

Enrollment: Students from XJTU participate in offline courses, while students from other schools participate in online courses.

Student treatment: Xi’an Jiaotong University provides a study certificate (completion certificate) for this summer course.


Students who are interested in applying to attend this Summer school can fill in the application form online, please click the link or scan the QR code link below


After application, please scan the code to join the WeChat group of Summer school:

Tencent meeting: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/y0PQ8IBIougk 742-6401-6842
