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发布时间:2016-06-24 08:28:40 点击量:


报告题目:Large eddy simulation for flows in low pressure turbine





Flows within the low pressure turbine are under constant disturbance. These disturbances include free stream turbulence, incoming wakes, surface roughness and so on. To achieve higher blade loading, modern blade design features a separation bubble on the suction surface under steady flow conditions. This separation bubble has to be suppressed by the flow disturbance within the real engine. Due to this advanced blade design philosophy, understanding of the disturbance environment within the low pressure turbine becomes increasingly important.

Through several eddy resolving simulations, this study covers a broad picture of the effect of different disturbances on the flow at the midspan. The free stream turbulence, incoming wakes and surface roughness are found to be effective in suppressing the separation bubble. These disturbances generate streaky structures within the boundary layer. As these streaks travel to the separated region, they trigger earlier transition and then suppress the separation bubble.

上一条:克罗地亚工程院院士Neven教授学术讲座通... 下一条:希腊Aristotle University of Thessalon...