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美国普度大学核工程学院Seungjin Kim教授讲座通知
发布时间:2018-03-06 14:14:41 点击量:

美国普度大学核工程学院Seungjin Kim教授讲座通知

应核科学与技术学院田文喜教授邀请,美国普渡大学核工程学院Seungjin Kim教授将于3月8日来访我校并做报告,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学积极参加,报告安排如下:




讲座人:Seungjin Kim教授,普渡大学核工程学院院长,。


Dr. Seungjin Kim joined Purdue University in June, 2017 as a new head of the School of Nuclear Engineering (SNE). During the presentation, he will provide an overview of the School, share School's visions, and explore partnership opportunities with Purdue Nuclear Engineering on both research and education. Dr. Kim received his Ph.D. degree in Nuclear Engineering at Purdue University in 1999. His research expertise is in the areas of reactor thermal-hydraulics and two-phase flow experiment and modeling. He is an ANS Fellow and has served as a chair of thermal-hydraulics division of American nuclear society.

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