| 徐力平教授简介:
Dr. Liping XU studied jet propulsion in Beijing Instuitute of aeronautics and astronautics (now BUAA) from spring 1978 to 1982, and a PhD in turbomachinery atCambridgebetween 1982 to 1985.He spent a year in Ruston Gas turbines (now part of Siemens) before returning toBeijingworking as a post-doc then a professor in BIAA/BUAA, before moving back toCambridgeas a senior research associate/research fellow. He is now a university professor in Turbomachinery and a fellow ofDowningCollege,Cambridge. His main lines of research are turbomachinery in aero-engines, land based gas turbines and steam turbines for power generation, and aerodynamics in gas turbine etc.10:00-11:30