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Imperial College London(帝国理工学院)R. Peter Lindstedt教授讲座通知(二)
发布时间:2015-07-13 11:45:47 点击量:

应能源与动力工程学院侯予教授和陈双涛博士的邀请,英国Imperial College London(帝国理工学院)机械工程系副主任和研究主任R. Peter Lindstedt教授于7月10日至7月16日来我校进行学术访问,并在期间举行系列学术讲座,欢迎各位老师和同学届时参加讲座并讨论交流。


讲座二:Quantum chemistry and combustion



讲座人:R. Peter Lindstedt教授


Quantum chemistry and combustion

Peter Kraus and Peter Lindstedt


The use of hydrogen enriched fuel streams has come to the fore due to the use of syngas and/or biogas related feed stocks in gas engine or gas turbine based power generation applications. Due to the high hydrogen content, the fuel reactivity is significantly enhanced, leading to improved combustion stability and widened flammability limits, but also raise safety concerns such as increased risks of accidental explosions. The current work presents a systematic study of explosions generated in an obstructed explosion tube with over-pressures and flame arrival times measured. Obstructed flame tubes have been shown to be capable of replicating relevant over-pressures on a laboratory scale through accelerating flame fronts. The current conditions were chosen to generate strongly turbulent explosions with flame speeds in the range 200 to 700 m/s. The use of hydrogen enrichment also facilities the use of fuel lean to ultra-fuel lean blends due to overall improved combustion characteristics. Accordingly, the current focus is on such mixtures with H2/CO, H2/CH4and H2/CO/CH4systems investigated for hydrogen enrichment levels between 0 and 100\% and for stoichiometries of 0.40, 0.60 and 0.80. The results highlight the differences in behaviour between the two blending components, with CO mixtures providing substantially higher over-pressures than the corresponding CH4blends. The results suggest that methane has a mitigating effect up to comparatively high hydrogen blending fractions and that synergistic effects between fuel components need to be taken into account. A new blending parameter is proposed and found to be successful in producing data correlations. Finally, a scaling of the explosion over-pressures with the heat release rate investigated and found to collapse data points reasonably well.

讲座人简介:Biography for Prof. R.P. Lindstedt

Peter Lindstedt studied at Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Göteborg, Sweden, where he received a MEng in Chemical Engineering in 1980. At Imperial College London, Peter received a PhD from the Department of Chemical Engineering, where he also worked as a research associate. He then moved to Mechanical Engineering, where he has worked as a lecturer and reader. He was awarded the title Professor of Thermofluids in 1999. Peter served as head of the Thermofluids Division from 2000 to 2010, as Director of Research from 2003 to 2013 and as deputy head of Department from 2007-2013. In 2013, he was elected Consul for the Faculty of Engineering and Business School. He has published over 100 peer reviewed journal and conference contributions. His invited lectures include a plenary on the Chemical Complexities of Flames at the 27th International Symposium on Combustion. He is the UK Director on the International Board of the Combustion Institute (2006 to 2018). He served on the Board of Directors of the Institute of Explosions and Reactive Systems from 2002 to 2006 and as associate editor for Combustion and Flame from 2000 - 2010. He is an editorial board member of Combustion Theory and Modelling and Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. He served as the Technical Program Co-Chair (with Ron Hanson, Stanford University) for the 30th International Symposium on Combustion that also celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Combustion Institute. Peter serves (since 2002) on the program committee for the International Workshop on Turbulent Non-Premixed flames.

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