报告题目:Metal Enabled Zero-carbon Fossil-free Renewable Energy carrier in a Material Loop
报告人:Zhongshan Li 教授
邀请人:黄佐华 教授,蔡骁 副教授
The metals, i.e. Aluminum and Iron, are energetic materials and can be used as energy carriers of zero-carbon nature. The metal fuels can be stored and transported without additional safety aspects. High-efficient on-demand scalable energy release can be achieved through combustion in air or steam and the metal oxides, after energy release, can be collected and regenerated with "green" energy from the sun and/or wind, being recycled in a material loop. Metal fuel combustion as an alternative fuel technology is still in its infancy but attracts increasing interest world-wide.
In this lecture, I will discuss some general aspect of the metal fuel strategy and followed by presenting some fundamental research on single particle combustion, mainly experimental observations and optical measurements, from my group in Lund.
Zhongshan Li教授现为瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)燃烧物理系教授。Li教授长期致力于热反应流(火焰和等离子体)先进可靠激光/光学诊断技术的开发和应用,取得了一系列创新性成果,在本领域具有较高国际学术影响。已经开发和应用的光谱诊断技术包括PLIF、IRPS、IR-DFWM、FRS、TDLAS、宽带紫外吸收、光解- LIF、fs-TPLIF和FINS等。研究对象覆盖湍流燃烧、非平衡态等离子体,生物质燃烧/气化碱金属化学、无碳燃料(氨气和金属粉末)和功能纳米线气动特性。目前已指导12名博士生,包括获得Bernard Lewis Fellowship的Bo Zhou。并发表255篇期刊论文,包括燃烧领域权威期刊Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30篇,Combustion and Flame 28篇。鉴于他在推动湍流/层流火焰深入理解和开发和利用先进激光诊断技术测量火焰关键组分方面做出的突出贡献,荣膺国际燃烧学会会士。